Democrats enjoy making political cries about how the group is defending “democracy,” but the party is intent on destroying every institution in order to advance its extraordinary left-wing plan.
The original House speaker has suggested that Joe Biden and his group will quickly move to finish the legislature for pregnancy and that its group is more motivated by its wild help of legalized murder than anything else.
In response to the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade last summer, Pelosi made a statement on Monday on” Katy Tur Accounts,” telling the MSNBC number that Democrats intend to repeal the legislature to legalize abortion in the country.
( Video: MSNBC )
” People must see pregnancy as a matter of democracy. For a girl, this is about having the freedom to make your own decisions. It’s a personal choice, it’s an economical choice at the restaurant table of America’s people, if and when they could grow their households or even begin their households”, Pelosi said.
The senior Democrat then whined about a national abortion ban if Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee, is elected even though he has never indicated any such thing before launching a filibuster for abortion, and different things as well.
” We have to get it all. We have to win the White House, with our wonderful president of the United States, Joe Biden, who has a perspective for America that is in keeping with the vision of our founders, the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, the aspirations of our children and their families”, the original speaker added, using the troops and children to robe her party’s frightening, pro- American vision.
Tur then asked,” If President Biden gets reelected and there’s a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate, what can President Biden do to protect abortion nationwide”?
” We can enshrine into the law Roe v. Wade”, Pelosi said.
” That would take two- thirds in the Senate”, Tur pointed out.
Pelosi corrected her,” No it does n’t. It’s 60 votes in the Senate now but if we win 50- plus- 1 in the Senate, 50 plus the vice president, we can overturn the 60- vote rule”.
” The filibuster”, Tur said.
” The filibuster and pass it with a 51- vote margin. That’s what we need to do, according to Pelosi, adding that Democrats also intend to push for Second Amendment rights, enforce equity in America, and pass “voting rights” laws to make it easier for her party to rig elections in order to establish a permanent ruling majority.
The Speaker Emerita also made a mockery of Tur for straying from the party’s view on the economy during the interview when she correctly argued that the loss of jobs under Trump was the result of the unprecedented measures put in place as a result of the COVID pandemic when Democrat governors destroyed small businesses with their lockdowns.
SEE IT: Nancy Pelosi rages after being reminded of a global pandemic that caused job losses under Trump and that Biden has not accomplished much. WATCH
— Simon Ateba ( @simonateba ) April 29, 2024
Donald Trump has the worst record of job losses of any president, according to Pelosi, who then brought Tur’s awareness of the effects of the pandemic.
Visibly shaken by the interjection of truth into the interview, Pelosi briefly paused before huffing,” He had the worst record of any president. We’ve had other concerns in our country. If you want to be an apologist for Donald Trump, that may be your role, but it ai n’t mine”.
Democrats are going all-in with the fearmongering about protecting the right of expectant mothers to deprive their unborn children of the right to life, and if it succeeds, the last remaining bulwark against one-party rule in America will soon fall victim to their tyranny by focusing on the single female demographic.
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