Northwestern University will provide full- ride scholarships to “five Palestinian undergraduates”, restart an investment review committee, and hire” two]Palestinian ] faculty per year for two years”, as part of an agreement reached with activists yesterday.
As long as they remove all but one aid camp, the protesters may remain protesting in trade.
According to the announcement from President Michael Schill and the administration,” The University will permit peaceful demonstrations on Deering Meadow through the end of spring quarter classes ( June 1 ) provided all such activity is immediately and consistently complies with University policies.”
However, it is unclear whether the activists will completely fulfill their end of the bargain.
When The College Fix visited the camp yesterday, one student was reportedly heard saying that” some people were planning on sleeping here [on the lawn ] without tents.”
“]The tents ] are being picked up because]they ] are worried about the school” but also that” there is absolutely nothing off the table”, a student said. Additionally, the scholar remarked that” they can always be put up up.”
Another protestors expressed a lessening love for trekking on the lawn.
One scholar said, “it’s not about the camp, it’s about the idea”.
Another activist claimed that “people are also going to be protesting here every day.”
Some individuals had their supplies packed up and placed in garbage cans or totes while the majority were mulling over and conversing.
Northwestern University pro- Arab rally:
‘ Interfaith Lesbians for Palestine.’ photograph. twitter.com/yYXTrgmRzk
— The College Fix (@CollegeFix ) April 30, 2024
The protests ‘ initial goal was to pressure the school to end “war and racism.”
Nevertheless, the administration has never taken that move at this time.
Rather, they have agreed to re-establish the Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility and “provide immediate temporary storage for MENA/MUSLIM kids” and eventually re-build a property dedicated to” group building” for Middle Eastern individuals.
The agreement also stated that” The University will engage students in a process dedicated to ensuring extra support for Jewish and Muslim students within Student Affairs/Religious &, Spiritual Life.”
The protest venue will be made private for activists around. The College Fix spoke with the muslim fried chicken restaurant Holy Buckets yesterday. The protesters have been fed at the cafe out of Lincolnwood, a neighborhood that is close by.
Some protesters were afraid to talk to writers.
” We’re not doing any media for anyone, whether students or CNN…unfortunately… I do n’t know when that will change”, one person told The Fix.
The protests does no move. ” It is not obvious”, a student said.
There might be” still persons planning to sleep here tonight, just without houses”, the activist said.
Because they just set up their encampment today, I believe a lot of the other items will be donated to like [ University of Chicago ].
MORE: Officers use tear gas to obstruct a pro-Palestine demonstration at VCU.
IMAGES: Caleb Nunes for , The College Fix
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