Apparently, north Colorado dairy cattle were this week affected by bird flu, according to status officials.
The position Department of Agriculture said in its statement that this is the first time avian flu has been identified in Colorado animals.
According to the USDA, bird flu in cheese calves has been confirmed in eight different states. Those include Idaho, South Dakota, Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, Michigan, Ohio and North Carolina.
On Monday, the Colorado State Veterinarian’s Office was notified of a cheese cattle experiencing symptoms steady with bird flu. Lactose cows exhibit signs of avian flu, including decreased having, decreased milk production, and excessive colostrum-like milk. According to state officials, bored animals appear to be recovering from supportive care.
According to the country’s news release, tests submitted to the Colorado State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory on Wednesday were suspected to be highly infectious for avian flu, or HPAI, and were confirmed by the USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory on Thursday.
In a speech, Colorado State Veterinarian Maggie Baldwin said,” We continue to see this ongoing HPAI pandemic advance and have seen the virus transmit to dairy cattle over the past month.” ” While we do n’t yet fully understand the mechanism by which this virus is transmitted, we do know that it appears to be spreading between cows and between herds. Manufacturers must take enhanced security measures to stop the spread of extremely pathogenic avian influenza, which is crucial.
According to a report from the Associated Press, an egg producer in Texas and a chickens factory in Michigan have both reported outbreaks of the bird flu. The AP reported that disease improvements included sick dairy cattle and the first case of a human outsourcing bird flu from a species.
Colorado ‘s , avian flu answer webpage , may be updated with the government’s plans for the ongoing pandemic. According to the news release, the state department of agriculture and the Colorado department of public health and culture are working together to provide advice on how to control disease for those who have been exposed to the pandemic.
Colorado has 106 farms and about 200, 000 cheese cattle.
There is no worry about the health of the milk supply for businesses at this time because cheese is pasteurized before being released, according to the USDA and FDA.
People are becoming more concerned in part because the nation’s largest producer of raw eggs reported an outbreak, according to the AP, despite wellness officials saying the danger to the general is low.
Two animal cases of bird flu have been reported in the United States:  , One in Colorado in 2022 , and , another in Texas in 2024. According to the news release, both people experienced a few signs after getting sick with sick animals.
The news release stated that dairy and poultry suppliers if practice enhanced biodiversity and be vigilant about keeping track of and managing disease in their flocks and flocks. ” More thorough activities can be found in the , USDA’s animal advice report, which will be updated as more information is made available”.
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