Image CreditFDRLST/Canva
Three Republican members of Congress want to know where the Centers for Disease Control stands on the” Wild West” of facilitated reproductive technology.
Reps. Josh Brecheen of Oklahoma, Andrew Clyde of Georgia, and Matt Rosendale of Montana sent a letter to CDC Director Mandy Cohen on Tuesday, asking for answers regarding the knowledge and recommendations her organization has regarding the “destruction of precious life in the in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) industry.”
The Republicans were concerned that Big Fertility “has much operated under the radar of politicians in the United States,” citing the “government’s part in securing the natural right to life” noted in the Declaration of Independence.
The United States does not even need facilities to be open about their involvement in these pursuits, they wrote, “while other Western nations prohibit clinics from practicing eugenics or casually destroying human life.”
According to the most recent artificial reproductive technology ( IVF ) data from the CDC, Americans go through hundreds of thousands of IVF cycles annually. Hunderty thousand IVF processes suggest thousands of eggs are created and either destroyed or left in refrigerators each year as well, as common practice in American IVF requires planting and fertilizing many eggs to increase chances of successful test vision.
As the lawmakers point out in their email, fertility services are not required to share how some eggs they are responsible for manufacturing, freezing, or discarding each month. Nor is the home Big Fertility market required to release any” statistics on their application of genetic testing, which more than 70 % of fertility clinics use for gender choice,” to anyone.
” The development of technology raises further questions about whether clinics will use genetic testing to select the “best” eggs based on characteristics like skin tone, eye color, or potential height,” the statement continues. This technology is already being used in the U.S. to choose or reject eggs based on eye color, the associates warned.
The CDC should provide precise information by May 29 regarding the average length of time eggs are frozen, the number of eggs produced, kept in cryosphere, and discarded annually. Additionally, they want information on how many eggs are screened for physical characteristics and whether the results affected the eggs ‘ fates.
Also, the Republicans asked the CDC to reveal its IVF tips including the number of embryos created, how non- implanted embryos are treated and destroyed, and genetic testing.
In their view, they called into question whether the CDC has “any spiritual or social issues” regarding ART techniques like those described above. According to them, the quickly expanding U. S. exercise of legalized genetics does not continue unchallenged.
” Congress cannot help clinics to maintain concealing these pursuits, which carry important moral and ethical relevance, from the public”, the Republicans concluded.
The fertility industry has received a number of eyebrow-raising controversies as a result of members of Congress ‘ recent controversy. Rosendale and Brecheen were a small group of House Republicans who publicly opposed the Department of Veterans Affairs ‘ ( DVA ) proposed using taxpayer funds to pay for IVF for single and same-sex veterans. They attributed their “very strong objections” to the fertility industry’s longstanding , immoral , and , unethical , practices.
Even the corporate media, which has vehemently opposed life in its most vulnerable form, has begun to question whether Big Fertility could benefit from more oversight and less immunity. One Washington Post headline blared,” Most IVF errors go unreported in the lightly regulated fertility industry.”
Another article in Vox lamented that young women are often portrayed as having an egg freezing program to preserve and prolong their fertility, but that many in pop culture and media believe it to be untrue.
Jordan Boyd is a co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour and a staff writer at The Federalist. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordanian completed her political science major at Baylor University and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.