Tucker Carlson threw caution to the wind after the discussion of defending children:” Place this on the internet and had them arrest me for saying that.”
” I’m really mad at the moms. Like, what is going on”?
Carlson joined the” Moms for America” podcast to discuss some of the key issues of the day, a year after the commentator’s departure from Fox News, for grounds he attested. The subject of transgenderism and physical deviancy was discussed with MFA vice president Debbie Kraulidis during the discussion about “extremism.”
” If there was ever a time for extremism, it’s in defense of your own children”, said Carlson as he remarked that” If some dude showed up in the john with my daughter, I’d beat him unconscious. No, I’d hit him incapacitated. Like, that’s my work”.
” If you ca n’t defend your own children, then you’re a contemptible person”.
Just dropped ️ A month after his stunning return from Fox News, @TuckerCarlson sat down with Moms for America. One of the most well-known figures in traditional internet shares his history in this unique interview. Tucker discusses the importance of community and the “hot-button” image. twitter.com/mE0xABDnd0
— Moms for America ( @momsforamerica ) April 30, 2024
Referring to the subject of sex anxiety as the” tranny issue”, insisting he did not dignify it with the word protesters preferred terminology, Carlson expressed that it was a “moral work” to defend one’s own home,” That’s why I exist. That’s my responsibility”.
The most crucial relationship in essence is between a parent and a child, he explained to Kraulidis.” And anyone who wants to enter on that or change the parent needs to be resisted with force, including natural force,” he said. By the way, any state that would even consider doing that should be hit in the gut very severely.
” Anxiety no one in defense of your children. Certainly the civil government. Worry no another. Worry no one, because we can have heated debates about laws and other issues. We ca n’t have a heated discussion about my kids. They’re my children, they’re never your children. You hurt my boys, and I will harm you. It’s that easy and I mean it”, said Carlson.
The commentator even went so far as to describe a situation where a parent should grab the ideologue” by the face, force’em to the ground and say, you ca n’t do that to my child” if a school counselor were advising a child to change genders or was” saying creepy sex sh*t.” It’s a small baby. You’re a baby abuser.'”
Amid his call for moms, especially big, “fill the doorway, block the sun moms”, to standup for children in what he described as problem unique to western culture, Carlson made clear,” I’m hardly an extremist by any sense. I hate violence. I dislike people who create hatred between themselves. I do n’t like that, I’m a Christian. However, there must be a line. And the line is messing with my kids, particularly sexually”.
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