Leaders in the Bay State are urging people to take precautions because a confirmed case of the tick-borne Powassan disease has been reported.
The first case of Powassan disease in the town, which like Lyme disease, can be transmitted through contaminated fleas, has been confirmed by the Sharon Health Department.
Although still rare, the number of reported cases of people ill from , Powassan virus , has jumped in recent years.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health stated in a statement that the virus has a close relationship to the West Nile virus. Although cases are uncommon compared to the other illnesses that are spread by the same tick, it can still infect the brain and spinal cord and cause serious illness.
Most Powassan virus patients always experience symptoms, but some may develop severe hepatitis or meningitis, which causes inflammation in the brain’s covering and spinal cord.
symptoms typically start one month to one fortnight after an infected bug bite.
Signs and symptoms include fever, headache, vomiting, failure, uncertainty, loss of coordination, conversation issues and convulsions.
The most common tick- paid illnesses in Massachusetts are Lyme illness, anaplasmosis and zoonoses. The black-legged bite, also known as the antelope bite, is responsible for spreading all three of these conditions.
Borrelia miyamotoi and Powassan disease are two other illnesses that are more common in Massachusetts and are spread by this bite.
People in Massachusetts are reminded that ticks are most active from March through October, but they can also be out whenever the temperature is below freezing. Because of this, the risk of tick-borne diseases is higher every year.
The single most effective method of reducing risk is through personal reduction practices like knowledge, employ of tick repellents, covering up to lower exposed skin, regular tick checks, and rapid removal of any attached ticks, according to DPH, according to a statement.
Follow these instructions when going around in a place where ticks are prevalent, such as brush, wooded areas, or grassy ones:
—Use a repellant with DEET.
—Wear much, light- pink pants tucked into socks or boots, and a lengthy- sleeved shirt.
Avoid the top wildlife where ticks are most likely to be when walking or hiking and stay on trails where possible.
Detached ticks may be removed by simply showingering right away after possible tick exposure.
— Talk to your veterinarian about tick control options (tick collars, repellents ) for your pets.
—After wasting time in an area good to have bugs, check yourself, your children and pets for fleas.
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